
Paper on Fear speech in Indian public Whatsapp groups to be presented at ARCS 2022
Invited talk in Understanding and Automating Counterspeech workshop organised by CRASSH
Our paper hateful user detection paper has won the highly presitgious Ted Nelson Newcomer Award at ACM Hypertext 2021.
1st in both subtasks of Abusive and Threatening Language Detection for Tweets in Urdu: Abusive Language Detection at FIRE 2021
Paper on Fear speech in Indian public Whatsapp groups to be presented at IC2S2 2021
Tutorial on 'Hate speech- Detection, Mitigation and beyond' accepted at ICWSM 2021
1st, 2nd and 1st in offensive language detection in Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam respectively in Dravidian workshop at EACL2021
Paper on Fear speech in Indian public Whatsapp groups is accepted in WWW 2021
Paper on Explainable hate speech dataset accepted at AAAI 2021
World rank 11th in Hatememe detection competition organised by Facebook